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Communities of Practice

Inter and Intra-agency

Communities of Practice forums provide like-minded practitioners with opportunities to share ideas, explore thinking, learn new skills, reflect on best practice within safe learning environments. When working with children, families and communities from diverse cultural backgrounds, Communities of Practice can be critical in facilitating a broader more comprehensive analysis of issues and contribute to developing culturally responsive capabilities and maturity.


Communities of Practice can be effectively tailored to meet the needs of individual organizations and/or on a sector wide basis, particularly for sector leaders who recognise the importance of partnerships and collaboration as critical processes to delivering services for children and families from diverse backgrounds.

CulturalWorks promotes sector development and cross-agency collaboration by advocating for and establishing Communities of Practice for senior leaders, program managers and practitioners.


Developing cultural awareness and cultural humility requires processes of self-reflection, questioning, exploring and the willingness to consider issues through wider lenses. Reflective conversations at an individual and group level can facilitate dialogues that explore biases, preconceived ideas,  practice restrictions and influence better approaches to service delivery.


Book a chat with us if you would like to elevate your culturally responsive leaders and teams.

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